Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Year To Year

Greetings 2011 *curtsy*. Have you met 2010? *gesture to the air* Oh just in passing? Well, I think if you two had met before 2010 moved to Yemen you'd probably have been best friends. You both really like baby corn and the color burnt sienna. Although, Ive never seen you two in a room together - whats to say 2010 and 2011 arent the same? 2009 could totally have passed for 2010 on a fake ID - but you 2011 - you look even more like 2010 than you did last year.

New beginnings are dichotomous, both rare and evergreen. While we are able to determine when and where we want to implement personal and professional change, sometimes we need a helping hand on the timing. I could wake up and decide - tomorrow at 1:30 I will start remembering people's birthdays and taking better care of my skin. And with discipline, I would. So - why do we wait until the 1st of every year to get on the bandwagon? There could be a scientific moon/mood explanation but the biggest factor I suppose is: measurement. Well, laziness in measurement. We like to see results based in real time. Its easier to say Ive been doing something a year, two years than since last Tuesday at 1:30.

I spent my NYE in Los Angeles on a trip where we were preparing to attend the Rose Bowl. I requested my good friend Jenny and Aaron cook with me since Jenny and I spend roughly 3 hours a week talking about new recipes and new table settings. We're so interesting! I know its hard to contain your impressed selves. We made a 5 course meal consisting of A Curried Pumpkin Soup Shot, Peppered Mango & Burrata Salad, Oysters on the 1/2 shell, Fillet Mignon over Lobster Mashed Potatoes and finishing with a homemade Chocolate Souffle. It was divine and Jenny gave me a crafting DIY boner.

For me 2011 will be for the most part predictable. I already know what it will hold, which in a way I feel more pressure to make something of it. It will most notably be the year I get married, but I want it to be so much more. Granted, it will only set myself up for disappointment when I fall back into old habits and am a mush of failure - but for now my outlook is positive. While not a hard line of "must be"s small and large-- this is my Top Ten list:

1. Return to Pre-San Francisco weight.

2. Wash my face on the regular.

3. Do not lose things anymore. Or break them.

4. Do more copy writing at work.

5. Get my hair professionally dyed.

6. Play video games a little so I understand my job more.

7. See a play.

8. Learn to knit/craft.

9. Listen to voice mails.

10. Shave my legs more often.

I would also like to set some New Years Resolutions for other people. Can you do that? Or is it presumptuous? Please sub the appropriate authority for all the "YOU ". If you think I am talking to you, chance are I am.

1. I think you should pull up Mad Men and Breaking Bad so they are not summer shows.

2. I think you should blog more.

3. I definitely think you shouldn't move away from San Francisco.

4. You should stop the construction across from my apt.

5. I think you should buy me more diamonds.

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